If you have a site, a problem may always emerge and it does not necessarily need to be connected with the web hosting service. For example, something might go wrong when you bring a web-based app up to date or some vital content might be modified or erased mistakenly. Whatever the essence of the problem is, you’ll have to touch base with the respective customer service team and ask them to restore a backup or to assist you in resolving the problem that you’re facing. How promptly they will do it will predetermine the span of time that your sites will be inaccessible. For some sites such as social networks or e-stores, a lengthened downtime interval too often equals lost clients and cash. That said, it is very important to use the services of a hosting company that offers not only a good client care service, but also a prompt one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Hosting

Our guaranteed max response time for any ticket that you post or any e-mail that you write is only 1 hour, even in case you contact us on weekends and national holidays. Irrespective of the essence of your question or problem, we’ll lend a hand immediately and will supply you with the needed information to solve any problem with your websites. The real reaction time usually doesn’t exceed 15 to 20 minutes, which means that you can forget about waiting around for hours and hours on end to get an issue sorted out or what is even worse than that – waiting around all day only to obtain a reply that more info is required while nothing’s solved. We will offer you assistance in a well-timed fashion purely because we understand exactly how invaluable time can be in the dynamic digital space. The 60-minute response guarantee is valid for any billing or technical question that you might have in regard to our shared hosting plans.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

We guarantee that if you submit a helpdesk ticket through your hosting Control Panel or write an email relating to your semi-dedicated server, you’ll receive an answer within maximum 60 minutes. You can contact us whenever you want in regards to technical, general or billing matters and since we are on duty around the clock, you’ll always obtain support without delay. Depending on the specific question or issue, we will give you more information, eliminate the problem if it has been caused by something that is within our reach or advise you on what steps to take in case you have to edit a certain setting for a web application that we cannot access. You can forget about waiting for an entire day for each and every reply. As it is, in the majority of cases we answer tickets and emails within no more than 20-25 minutes.